
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Wolves Monitoring the Sheep - fake "doctor" Gibbons as President of the Newfoundland and Labrador Osteopathy Association

Well here's a good one. Fake doctor and Osteopath Matt Gibbons is actually the president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Osteopathy Association. So when you file a complaint with the association about him, he's the one who receives the email! So what do you think actually happened when we filed a complaint? No response, no call - nothing.   He just simply buried his head in the sand. I guess we can't blame him. He doesn't really have a way to defend himself. It's not like he has integrity, a professional association and strong credentials to stand buy. Would you really risk a fraud helping you with your health care? Matt has a passion for health and fitness that started early in life. Spending many of his years in youth practicing martial arts, strength training, numerous sports, and years of reading and research. His professional career began as certified personal trainer, working at New World Fitness and Goodlif

Why is the Fake doctor Gibbons Wearing a White Coat?

The fake doctor gibbons has on a "white coat" on his website. Seriously?! Why is he even actually wearing that? He doesn't need to for any reason. The only reason has to be for the "image" and to facilitate the charade of his deliberate attempt to pull the wool over the unsuspecting public. He is no more of a "doctor" than any other high school drop-out from   Shea Heights.

Can You Believe that the prefix "Dr" is not actually regulated in Newfoundland?

Yes that's right. If you want to put "Dr" before your name, there is not any law, rule or regulation to stop you. No medical degree, no PhD, no university degree and hell - no high school diploma. - no problem. You can still call yourself a doctor. Does "Dr" Gibbons even have a high school diploma I wonder? If he has that, is it fake like every other degree he has? Be very careful who you let help you with your health.

Beware of "Extra" Services offered at Stability Osteopathy:

Buyer beware: There are no properly trained professionals Osteopaths at Stability Osteopathy. They are running a pretty good scam. So they don't really have the same standards as professional health care workers. The word on the street is that they give "referral fees" and other "perks" to people who send them business. This also works the other way - they accept "referral" fee and "benefits" when the refer you to someone else.

How Many "University Degrees" does "Dr" Matt Gibbons actually have?

Have a close look at "Dr" Gibbons' biography. How many degrees does he claim to have received - and here's the kicker - in 4 years. Fact: It normally takes 3-4 years to complete a Bachelors degree. A PhD takes a minimum of 3 years. This often takes longer. How many does he have? The ONLY way this can be achieved is by buying them online at unaccredited schools. Do you really want this person guiding your health? This guy is no more of a doctor than Kermit the frog.    In disbelief? Do your own fact check: Look up all the credentials he claims to have. You'll see they are ALL online with no oversight. The same "osteopathy degree" all staff at Stability Osteopathy claim to have can be done in a very short period of time online (6 weeks if you really push it) with no oversight. ·        All regulated professionals have to: ·        attend an accredited university in person ·        do a large number of hours in which they are supervised by a