How Many "University Degrees" does "Dr" Matt Gibbons actually have?
a close look at "Dr" Gibbons' biography. How many degrees does he
claim to have received - and here's the kicker - in 4 years. Fact: It normally
takes 3-4 years to complete a Bachelors degree. A PhD takes a minimum of 3
years. This often takes longer. How many does he have? The ONLY way this can be
achieved is by buying them online at unaccredited schools. Do you really want
this person guiding your health? This guy is no more of a doctor than Kermit
the frog.
In disbelief?
your own fact check: Look up all the credentials he claims to have. You'll see
they are ALL online with no oversight. The same "osteopathy degree"
all staff at Stability Osteopathy claim to have can be done in a very short
period of time online (6 weeks if you really push it) with no oversight.
· All regulated
professionals have to:
· attend an
accredited university in person
· do a large
number of hours in which they are supervised by a qualified professional
· maintain some
form of updates on current knowledge
You should think twice before letting anyone with these flimsy "credentials" touch you or give you any health care advice.
Check out this link
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